Take Action: Tell Your Legislators to Oppose Cuts to Hunger Relief

The White House just released its 2018 budget, and it includes deep cuts to hunger relief programs, particularly the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).

SNAP, which provides direct assistance to households, would be cut by $193 billion over 10 years, while TEFAP, which provides food to food banks like Feeding America West Michigan, would have 33 million fewer meals to distribute next year. Both programs are critical to ensure that food gets to those who need it most. (Learn more.)

With 42 million Americans at risk of hunger — and 1.5 million of them right here in Michigan — we can’t afford to turn our backs on the most vulnerable.

It’s time to speak out on behalf of our neighbors in need.

Step 1: Copy This Message

With 42 million Americans struggling with food insecurity, now is not the time to cut the very programs that provide them with basic nutrition assistance. I am deeply concerned about the cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) the White House has proposed in its FY2018 budget. Feeding America estimates that proposed cuts to these programs could take 4.5 billion meals away from vulnerable households every year. Please join me in opposing cuts to federal nutrition program like SNAP and TEFAP and instead support policies that ensure adequate nutrition is available to all our neighbors.

[Your Name]

Step 2: Send It to Your Legislators

Once you’ve copied the message above, head to democracy.io. This is a simple tool that allows you to send one uniform message to your legislators. Click Here to Email Your Legislators

If you prefer a more direct approach, you can call your legislators. Visit House.gov to find your representative. Visit Senate.gov to find contact information for Senators Stabenow and Peters. Remember to speak clearly and courteously and to tell them your city and state. Your message will be much more powerful if they know you’re a constituent.

Step 3: Spread the Word

Now that you’ve taken action, encourage your friends to do the same. Share this page using the social media buttons on the left (desktop users) or the bottom (mobile users) of your screen. We have a powerful message. Let’s make it known!