Client Rights
Statement of Client Rights
To our neighbors visiting our partner food pantries:
- Feeding America West Michigan partner pantries serving the public are expected to serve everyone in need of food and are not permitted to turn anyone away without serving.
- Civil Rights Information: You have the right to receive food for your household, regardless of your race, color, national origin, sex, gender (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. To file a Civil Rights Complaint, fill out this form or call 1-866-632-9992.
- Our partner pantries are not permitted to require documentation of income or residency (including photo ID) as a condition of receiving food. They may request this information, but you are not required to provide it in order to receive food. Be aware that this information may be required for other agency services.
- Our partner pantries are allowed to establish service areas. However, if you live outside of a pantry’s service area, you can still receive food from that pantry at least one time if you are in need. You can expect to receive alternative options that are closer to your area.
- You may visit a variety of food pantries and meal programs to receive the food you need in any given time period. There is no such thing as “double dipping.” However, each pantry can (and frequently does) limit the number of times (per month or week) you visit their pantry.
- Please contact Claire Bode at 616.286.9977 or at claireb@feedwm.org for questions, or if you have been turned away by a pantry without receiving food.
To find available food resources near you, head to our Find Food Map.