Filling Plates and Spirits for the Holidays

There’s nothing quite like gathering together with your loved ones for a comforting meal to celebrate the holidays. While this time of year is often filled with joy and giving thanks, for many it’s overshadowed with worrying about where their next meal will come from. This disruption due to a lack of food can take away from the time people should be spending connecting with those they love.

We all know just how special it is to have your favorite dishes to pass and enjoy to celebrate the holidays. That’s why every year we host a special holiday food distribution at the food bank to help fill families’ plates with comforting foods they can prepare to supplement any celebration.

At this distribution, food bank staff come together to pack boxes full of holiday classics like beans, potatoes, corn, pies, stuffing, apples, milk and even turkeys! These nourishing foods are able to head home for the holidays with over 300 people—and it means the world to so many, including families like Melanie’s.

When thinking about preparing your favorite meals this time of year, we challenge you to consider how a family right in your neighborhood might not have enough food to feel the holiday cheer. You never know the true difference it can make for someone to have a full plate to keep their spirits warm during this season.