September is Hunger Action Month!

Volunteer repacks carrots in Reclamation

Volunteer repacks carrots in Reclamation

Every day, hundreds of thousands of people in West Michigan and the Upper Peninsula are experiencing hunger. We all know how important food is to our everyday lives; everyone needs food to live a full life. That’s why we are encouraging everyone to join us this September as we work together to end hunger!

While fighting hunger is a year-round effort, September specifically is a month dedicated to spreading awareness and taking action to help those in our community living in food-insecure households. Every action, big or small, is one step closer to ending hunger.

Food shouldn’t be an impossible choice. Understanding that at least 1 in 9 people in Feeding America West Michigan’s 40-county service area face food insecurity is crucial as you consider joining the movement to end hunger. People are constantly facing difficult decisions like whether to pay for medicine or for food, when in reality they need both to survive. We believe hunger is unacceptable, and if you agree, keep reading to learn how YOU can take action to help end hunger, today!

Let’s get started!

Here are some really easy ways you can take action, starting now:

  1. Donate! Every $1 donated provides 15 meals, which is enough to feed 6 families. The more you give, the greater impact you can have on people in your community who are in need of food assistance.
  2. Spread awareness! Connect with your social network to share why you’re taking action this September, and let them know in order to end hunger, we all need to work together.
  3. Wear orange! Orange is the color of hunger relief, so you can show your support by wearing orange this month and sharing with those around you why they should #GoOrange as well!
  4. Follow along! Throughout the entire month of September, keep up with our social media accounts (find us @feedingwestmich on all platforms) to see what we’re up to! We will be highlighting important information, discussing exciting opportunities and sharing impactful stories; all things you don’t want to miss.

Written by Content Specialist Kelly Reitsma