Grandville Senior Neighbors Supports Senior Well-Being With Monthly Food Pantry

Food items laid out on tables in the pantry room

Sherri (Coordinator) smiles while standing by the Grandville Senior Neighbors sign

Grandville Senior Neighbors is an organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of seniors in their area by providing numerous essential services focused on promoting well-being. Once a month, they open their food pantry for seniors in the area to come pick up a variety of food and essential items they may need. Sherri, the coordinator, says many of the seniors who come to get food from the pantry are low income.

“If you’re on Social Security and a low budget, you have a constant amount coming in. So when prices rise, you don’t have as many funds to purchase food. The food pantry has been able to help them with that.”

In addition to food, the senior center also stocks their pantry with toiletries, personal care and other essential items.

Laurel showed up to the pantry and left with some much-needed items, such as spaghetti sauce, frozen meat, cereal and toiletries. She came with her husband, and after getting the items they wanted, they looked forward to making meals they enjoy.

“[My husband]’s the cook of the family, and he’ll make spaghetti or chili for the two of us.”

She has been coming to this organization for about four or five years, and really enjoys her time spent there.

Food items laid out on tables in the pantry room

Fred, a senior who lives with his daughter, is also a regular visitor to Grandville Senior Neighbors. He moved in with his daughter and her family after his son’s recent passing, as his wife is also deceased and he could use the comfort of family. While he often eats with his family, he still likes to get some food for himself, so he showed up to the pantry to get some frozen meat and items to make sandwiches.

“I’m [getting food] just for myself, and if the kids want some I’ll share with them, since they share with dad.”

Apart from the pantry, Senior Neighbors offers various activities for seniors to participate in. Fred has attended for years, and tries to come in a couple days a week. He often plays games or exercises.

“I’ve made some nice friends here.”

Programs like Grandville Senior Neighbors are able to provide much needed items to seniors in need thanks to generous donations from our supporters.