Meet a Food Banker: Chuck the Truck Driver

How long have you worked for Feeding America West Michigan and what is your role?
I’m a truck driver for the Mobile Food Pantry program. I’ve been in this position for eight months.

What led you to your current role?
I retired from operations/manufacturing after 42 years in December of 2018. I learned about [this position] from a friend that had recently left the position for another job.

What was your first experience with food insecurity in our community?
My first Mobile [Pantry] was in New Buffalo. This is where I went to high school. It was really quite an eye-opener to see folks I went to high school with coming through the line — really quite sobering.

What is something you experience as a truck driver that might surprise people?
The overall kindness of the associates at each event I go to. They always welcome me with a smile and a prayer, and they always wish me safe travels on my way back home.

Can you tell us about the most impactful thing you’ve seen or heard while on the job?
As a Christian going into my retirement years, it warms my heart to see and be part of a prayer at the start of the event. This doesn’t happen every time, but often enough that it gives me a profound sense of peace that I have chosen to do the right thing for my last few years of my working career.

What’s your favorite part of your job?
The gratitude of the folks waiting in line. [They are] always thankful for the food that has been brought.

What do you like doing in your free time?
I hunt and fish, I play the guitar. I enjoy the simpler things in life with my family.

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