Take a Stand: Tell Your Legislator to Support Hunger Relief

Right now, 42 million Americans are at risk of hunger. They rely on nonprofit organizations like Feeding America to make ends meet. Many of them also look to public food assistance programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for help. In fact, Feeding America estimates that for every 1 meal provided by a charitable organization, 9 more are provided by SNAP. (Learn more about SNAP.)

But a move is underway in Washington to cut public food assistance programs and to restrict those who are eligible to receive assistance. Earlier this year, President Trump recommended reducing the SNAP budget by 25 percent, and in the July the House declared its own intention to cut billions from the program. SNAP is an efficient and effective tool for combating hunger relief. Rather than cutting it or making it harder to access, Congress should be seeking policies that make it easier for all Americans to get the nutrition they need.

Now is the time to speak out on behalf of your neighbors in need.

Step 1: Copy This Message

With 42 million Americans struggling with food insecurity, we cannot afford to cut the very programs that provide them with basic nutrition assistance. I am deeply concerned about the cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) put forward both by the White House and the House of Representatives in their FY2018 budgets. The majority of SNAP recipients are children, elderly, or disabled, and most who can work, do work. SNAP is both efficient and effective at combating hunger, and it serves as an essential complement to the efforts of private charities in the community. Please join me in opposing cuts to federal nutrition program like SNAP and instead support policies that ensure adequate nutrition is available to all our neighbors.

[Your Name]

Step 2: Send It to Your Legislators

Once you’ve copied the message above, head to democracy.io. This is a simple tool that allows you to find and email your legislators. Feel free to personalize your message too!

Step 3: Spread the Word

Now that you’ve taken action, encourage your friends to do the same. Share this page using the social media buttons on the left (desktop users) or the bottom (mobile users) of your screen. We have a powerful message. Let’s make it known!