This year, we asked West Michigan to undertake a new effort in the fight against hunger, and West Michigan answered. So far, the Million Meal March has raised over $57,000, and the donations keep coming.
Feeding America West Michigan’s first-ever Million Meal March Trail Hike on Saturday, September 29, was graced with beautiful weather and a joyful atmosphere. More than 200 people showed up at the Food Bank to hike 10 kilometers on the White Pine Trail. Three local bands — Hawks and Owls, Suburban 5&10, and Chinese Baseball — provided the morning’s soundtrack, and The Corner Bar, Country Fresh, and Pepsi supplied the refreshments.
We want to thank everyone who attended, the individuals and families, and the hiking teams from local schools, churches, and businesses that helped us spread the word. For keeping a tight ship behind the scenes, we salute our volunteers, especially the team from Grand Valley State University who arrived bright and early and stayed until the end.
Finally, we want to thank our many sponsors. Your compassion and your generosity have been inspiring to see.
The Million Meal March is a six-month campaign to send an additional 1 million meals to families in need throughout West Michigan. To join the effort, visit MillionMealMarch.org.
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