Goodbye John – Your Words Will Go Forth and Do Good

The day has finally come…John Arnold’s not working at the Food Bank anymore. As you’ve no doubt read in our newsletter, the Grand Rapids Business Journal, or the Grand Rapids Press, John’s cancer has advanced to the point that he simply hasn’t got the energy to do what needs to be done here at the Food Bank.

While he won’t be here in body, he’ll still be here in spirit: we’ve stockpiled so many of his stories and essays that we’ve got enough to keep doing weekly blog posts until well into July! Keep tuning in every Thursday for a dose of inspiration – then go out and share the methods you’ve learned that make it possible to end hunger in America.

John’s recruited a lot of supporters over the years, and they’re all out there beating the drum for client choice, mobile pantries, and all the rest. We hope you’ll join them.

Here’s a video from our newest convert: Kat Rosqueta, the Executive Director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the University of Pennsylvania.

What about our organizational leadership? Our board of directors is conducting a national search for John’s replacement. Until the position is filled, Teresa Pawl-Knapp will be serving as Interim Executive Director.